Case study - UK Broadcaster Jackie Brambles
Like millions of women in the UK, broadcaster Jackie Brambles has first-hand experience of the back problems which can arise from pregnancy and childrearing.
The former Loose Women anchor, GMTV Hollywood correspondent and BBC Radio 1 presenter started suffering from back pain in 2006, during the latter stages of her first pregnancy. After her son Stanley was born, Jackie quickly became pregnant again with daughter Florence, which left her with little time to recuperate before her back pain flared up for a second time.
“Anyone who has had children will know that it is physically demanding and during both my pregnancies, I suffered from sciatica. After having the children, like any mum, there is no time to nurture your body back to its full strength as you’re so busy looking after them, lifting and carrying all day. It’s no surprise that back and neck pain became part of daily life for me.”
Back problems weren’t really an issue for Jackie before she had children, though she has been used to constant stiffness in her neck and shoulders as a result of a car accident in her late teens. “When I was living in San Francisco, I visited a chiropractor a few times,” she said, “I did get some temporary relief from the stiffness but I didn’t like the sensation of the treatments so when I moved to Los Angeles, I tried Thai and Shiatsu massage instead and found that much more effective.”
Matters came to a head earlier this year during a family holiday, when Jackie spent more time than usual carrying her younger daughter around. “We forgot to bring the pushchair for Florence and we ended up having to lift and carry her more than we usually do. All mums will have that familiar position of carrying their wee ones on their hip, even though it’s so bad for your posture and this is exactly the trap that I fell into on holiday. By the time we returned home to Scotland, I was suffering from intense back pain which spread into my leg and left me unable to sleep at night. It became so bad and had such a knock-on effect in everything I did that I knew I had to find an effective treatment that would tackle it properly and resolve the problem rather than just relieving the symptoms for a while.”
As luck would have it, a friend recommended 21st Century Back Care’s revolutionary TAMARS® treatment and Jackie was keen to give it a try. With clinics in Glasgow and Edinburgh, 21st Century Back Care is Scotland’s only clinic dedicated to the use of TAMARS® (Technology Assisted Micro-Mobilisation and Reflex Stimulation) for the treatment of chronic and acute back pain and neck pain).
TAMARS®’ passive and non-invasive approach involves the use of a hand-held, computer console-controlled device which acts like a ‘bionic hand’. The device administers a safe, drug free and non-surgical full spinal treatment which frees and straightens the entire vertebrae, from top to bottom. The three modes of treatment are designed to restore elasticity, mobility and flexibility to the musculoskeletal joints of the spine.
After the first couple of treatments, Jackie started to notice an improvement in her back pain and leg problems and further work in the next two sessions made a noticeable impact on the pain, leaving her far more mobile. She commented; “After I heard about TAMARS®, I couldn’t wait to give it a try as the back pain I was suffering was making it increasingly difficult to function day to day, especially because I was constantly sleep deprived as I couldn’t get comfortable at night.”
“I can’t describe the effect it’s had on my day to day life and on my sense of well-being. Being pain-free is a joy itself but I also feel much straighter, more flexible and about a foot taller now.”
“I had four treatment sessions with Daniel, the practitioner at 21st Century Back Care’s Glasgow clinic, and he really helped in explaining what was causing the pain and how TAMARS® would help it. He also picked up on the stiffness in my neck and shoulders and did a lot of work there to free it up. The level of pressure exerted by the TAMARS® machine varies from patient to patient and it’s a good idea to chat with the practitioner about it beforehand so that you understand what the different intensity levels mean in the context of your own treatments. For somebody like me, who gets much more pain relief from the more intense pressure, it made TAMARS® something that I looked forward to and the results were excellent.”